June 19, 2009

The girl on the bus

Opportunity is the beautiful girl who sits next to you on a bus. You are blown away, intimidated even, by her beauty, but what do you do? You pretend to be unfazed, sit here with almost no expression on your face. Meanwhile, your heart is pounding and then you steal a look at her, as if it were murder you were committing.
The girl gets down at the next stop unaware and oblivious to how her beauty took your breath away.

You say, " Next time.." There is no next time.

June 17, 2009

Dangling 'flesh'

Finally we talk.
These photos, picked up from various online sites showcase the escape capsules that they are. Afraid that we are of the real experience, we disappear behind these images, hour after hour, day after day.

So look at them, yes, but do not chase these paper ghosts. Youth is not forever my friends and youth is the best time to experience. So go outdoors, say what you always wanted to say to that beautiful girl who passes you everyday, the one you stare at college.
There is no success to promise, but there is life there, in your communication, in taking that one step forward, that is when you make your own stories....
Meanwhile the body celebration continues on the word is lust

June 16, 2009

Beyond the flesh blindness

Dear fellow beings,

The sexual experience is an essential part of our lives. For some reason, sex is perceived as a crime in Indian culture, something to be hidden behind curtains, behind bolted doors, beyond reason and understanding...

As a result, the sexual act remains a fantasy for so many of us, even years after attaining puberty. The effects of this 'delay' is disastrous. Over the years, even as we masturbate prolifically and make fantasies, reality becomes a blur - fantasies become us - our language, thoughts and finally - our actions. We become perverts.

Why is a woman so often to us a body, a secret voyeuristic pleasure, a stranger - rather than a friend?

Apart from encouraging self-expression and celebrating the sexual act, we shall also try to understand why are we sexually and socially repressed and seek solutions for the same.